Was The USA First in Using Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) Systems>

Ground Source Heat Pumps have seen a tremendous market development in some European countries over the past years. The Us leads the way.

Sweden and Switzerland are leading since the beginning in the 1980s, however, some other countries with a slow start in the same time, like Germany, now show good growth rates. In France, the development started later, but the opportunities for a widespread, successful use of GSHP are very good.

The US MARKET has been established for decades, but has seen unprecedented growth in the recent years, largely to to economics, comfort and environmental concerns.

What Are The Components Of Ground Source, Geothermal Heat Pumps?

Ground Source Heat Pump systems consist of three main components: the ground loop, the heat pump itself, and the building side.

A good design must take care of the whole system, matching the components in such a way that the most effective operation and the highest comfort may be achieved. If a contractor uses a "rule of thumb", RUN!!

We technically match soil conditions, heat and coolings loads in the designs of our systems. This results in the most efficient installation and operating costs.